Transportation - 518-704-4343 (Phone calls only - No texting)
For non-urgent inquiries, please email [email protected] where your message will be directed to the appropriate contact.

*****Attention Parents *****
Non-Public School Transportation forms need to be returned to the district office by April 1, 2024
Public School Transportation forms need to be returned to the District Office by June 1, 2024
***Please note that transportation forms must be completed each school year regardless of whether
your child will be taking the bus or will be transported by a parent***
Request for Public School Transportation (Click Here)
North Greenbush Common School District contracts with the Wynantskill Union Free School District for transportation of our students to Little Red School House, Gardner Dickinson, Averill Park and Troy High School. Public School Transportation Request Forms are mailed to parents or guardians of a child residing within the North Greenbush Common School District in March.
Request for Non-Public School Transportation (Click Here)
North Greenbush Common School District contracts with the Wynantskill Union Free School District for transportation of our students to private and parochial schools. Private School Transportation Request Forms are mailed to parents or guardians of a child residing within the North Greenbush Common School District in January. New York State Education Law § 3635(2) requires parents or guardians of a child residing within the North Greenbush Common School District to submit a written request to the district, for transportation to a non-public school, by
April 1, or when not residing in the district on April 1, within 30 days after establishing residency within the district. The purpose of this deadline is to enable the school district to budget funds and make necessary arrangements to provide reasonable and economical transportation to students. A late request is one filed by a parent or guardian after the April 1st deadline or by a new resident more than 30 days after moving into the district. Late requests shall be granted only where a reasonable explanation is provided for the delay and there is no additional cost to the District. The authority to decide which reasons are acceptable rests with the Board of Education. The parent or guardian of a student who is denied transportation to a non-public school may make an appeal to the Commissioner of Education if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached with the Superintendent or the Board of Education.
If you are a resident of the North Greenbush Common School District and you have a question about your child's school transportation, please contact the school district office at (518) 283-6748. If you have a specific question for the Wynantskill UFSD Transportation office please call the transportation department at the number listed above.